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Infection Types: What are the Different Types of Infections?

Viral infection

What is an Infection? The Different Types of Infections

The introduction will define what an infection is. It will then go over the different types of infections.

An infection is a term used for an illness that occurs when a person or animal is exposed to bacteria, viruses, parasites, or other infectious agents.

The three main types of infections are bacterial infections, viral infections and parasitic infections. These can be further broken down into many more categories with each category having different signs and symptoms.

What are Bacterial Infections?

Bacterial infections are caused by bacteria that enter the body through a cut, scratch, or burn in the skin. Bacterial infection symptoms can vary depending on which area of the body is affected and include fever, chills, headache, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, pain and redness at the site of infection.

Types of Bacterial Medications

Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics work by killing or slowing the growth of bacteria and other organisms that cause infection.

Bacterial infections are usually caused by one of the following bacterial strains:

Staphylococcus aureus

Streptococcus pyogenes

Enterococcus faecalis

There are many types of medication to treat bacterial infections. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections and these drugs include amoxicillin, cephalexin, erythromycin, and penicillin.

What are Viral Infections?

Viral infections are caused by viruses. They are a global problem for public health and the economy. They can be spread through contact with bodily fluids or droplets. Viruses can also be transmitted to other people, by insects, through infected animals, or in contaminated food and water.

Viral infections have increased in recent years due to globalization and the ease of international travel. The rise in viral infections has been noted to increase during intense pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, SARS and Ebola.

What are Symptoms of a Viral Infection?

Viral infections can cause:

  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain

These symptoms are usually exacerbated by the feeling of tiredness that accompanies a viral infection.

Types of Viral Medications

There are two types of viral infections medication available. One type is prescribed by a doctor and the other is taken as an over-the-counter medication.

Prescribed medications are called antiviral medications and are usually given to patients for a certain amount of time until the virus is gone. Antiviral medications block the virus from multiplying, which stops it from spreading to new cells. Patients on antiviral medications can often feel better in one or two days, but some may need to take them for up to ten days before they start feeling better.

Over-the-counter drugs work by loosening congestion in the nose, throat, and chest so that it becomes easier for people to breathe. These are not antivirals – they do not cure or prevent any diseases but work by relieving symptoms.

What are Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are triggered by various types of fungus that can cause diseases in different parts of the body.

The two most common types of fungal infections are yeast and mold. Yeast is the type that causes thrush, whereas mold can be found in things like bread and cheese as well as other foods.

Some signs or symptoms are fever, fatigue, shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing, diarrhea or constipation, difficulty swallowing or swollen glands. If any of these symptoms persist for a week or more it is important to see a doctor.

Types of Antifungal Medications

These medications are used to treat scalp, nail, and skin fungal infections. These may include clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, tioconazole and more. They come in a variety of different brands under the names

Occasionally you will find that an antifungal cream is combined with another cream to produce the desired effect. For example, you can combine an antifungal cream for a skin rash with a mild steroid like hydrocortisone for healing.

The cranberry cream prevents the infection, and the anti-inflammatory cream reduces inflammation caused by the infection.

Alternatively, these are also offered in separate leaflets which do a deep-dive into individual infections like Candidal Skin Infection (Yeast Infection) or Fungal Scalp Infections (Scalp Ringworm). Alternatively you could go into detail on Fungal Nail Infestations (“Tinea Unguium”).

Antifungal Medicines Can Be Taken as Tablets or Liquids

Miconazole is a gel that can be taken by mouth and nystatin is a liquid that cannot. They are both used to successfully treat thrush of the mouth and throat.

Terbinafine, itraconazole, fluconazole, posaconazole and voriconazole can be taken as tablets to treat various fungal infections. The type chosen depends on the type of infection you have.

  • Terbinafine (or Lamisil) is a medication typically used to treat nail infections caused by fungi, like tinea.
  • Fluconazole is administered for vaginal thrush and also prevents certain fungal infections within the body. It is often used as an alternative to antifungal cream.

There are also other leaflets in this series about athlete’s foot, ringworm & fungal groin infection.

Chronic Illnesses That Cause Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa.

  • The types of infectious diseases can be chronic or acute.
  • Some examples of chronic infectious diseases are malaria and HIV.
  • Common signs include fever, fatigue, diarrhea and weight loss.
How to Prevent Different Types of Infections?

One of the most important things to do in order to prevent infections is to wash your hands. However, that might not be enough since you should also make sure you’re washing them for the right amount of time.

If you want to prevent infection, it’s important that you keep your body clean and healthy and maintain good hygiene practices. You should try to avoid touching any open wounds or sharing items with people who have wounds or infections.

Please call Heights Family Pharmacy in Dearborn Heights Michigan to speak with one of our licensed pharmacists today at (313) 724-1111. We can help answer any medication questions that you may have.